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PrimaCreator vatnshreinsanlegt UV resinvökvi 500 ml.

Original price 5.890 kr - Original price 5.890 kr
Original price
5.890 kr
5.890 kr - 5.890 kr
Current price 5.890 kr
Low stock
Low stock
SKU PV-Resin-B405-0500-CL
Brúsastærð: 500ml
Litur: Beige

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PrimaCreator vatnshreinsanlegt UV resinvökvi 500 ml.

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PrimaCreator vatnshreinsanlegur UV resinvökvi til þrívíddarprentunar með frábærum eiginleikum, fínum smáatriðum og dásamlegt yfirborð.. Til notkunar á UV LED eða DLP 3D þrívíddarprenturum sem notast við 395-405 nanómetrar ljóstíðni.

Helstu eiginleikar: 

Notast í UV, LED og/eða DLP 3D vökvaprentara
Framleitt fyrir bylgjulengdarbilið 395-405 Nm
Fínustu smáatriði koma í ljós og yfirborðið verður undurfallegt eftir herðun. 
Lítil lykt af efninu - Má þvo í vatni,  Isopróponol ekki nauðsynleg
Litanlegur með áfengislitum (Alcahol Pigment)

PrimaCreator Value water-washable UV / DLP resin allows you to create high-quality 3D prints. Create 3D prints with delicate structures, fine details and wonderful surfaces. Process this resin on your UV LED & DLP 3D printer in a wavelength range of 395-405 nanometres.

Material properties PrimaCreator Value Water washable UV / DLP resin:

  • Use on your UV LED & DLP 3D printers
  • Optimised for processing in the wavelength range 395-405 Nm
  • Fine details & perfect surfaces of the cured 3D prints
  • Minimised odour of the material
  • Washable in water, no IPA necessary
  • Fast curing time: 4 - 8 seconds per layer for faster 3D prints

If you want amazing results for less cost than many other brands – PrimaCreator VALUE Resin should be your first choice!

PrimaCreator's new water washable resin is the latest addition to the range and offers the same high quality as our other resins.

Simply clean the 3D printed resin with water

Unlike most other 3D printing resins, PrimaCreator's water washable resin does not require chemicals to remove uncured material from the finished 3D print. Simply rinse it in normal tap water and it comes out clean and ready to cure. This approach is the best choice for you and the environment.

Powerful colour 3D prints & attractive transparent parts

The finished and cleaned 3D print is a monochrome part with a beautiful, semi-matte surface with excellent detail and smooth layer transitions.

If you opt for the transparent resin, you get a transparent resin that looks stunning. The most noticeable thing is that it does not smell very strong.

Resin for 3D printing on many DLP 3D printers

VALUE Resin is designed to work well on low power DLP 3D printers like the Wanhao Duplicator 7, SparkMaker Anycubic Photon, Zortrax Inkspire and other printers that use UV light for curing.

High quality 3D printer resin & Perfect curing

3D printer resin from our VALUE line is a high-quality resin made from the best materials. This is also evident in the curing process. Your finished 3D prints will cure perfectly in sunlight or in a UV curing chamber. When curing is complete, the result is a rock-hard 3D print with very little material shrinkage.

Depending on the design of your 3D print, curing times may vary:

  • In a UV light curing chamber it takes about 2-5 minutes
  • In sunlight 10-20 minutes
  • In daylight on a cloudy day it can take up to 60 minutes

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