Snapmaker Breakaway Support PLA
Stuðningsefni úr PLA sem auðveldara er að brjóta frá eftir prentun.
Til í tveimur stærðum 500gr. og 1 kg.
As is implied by its name, Breakaway Support for PLA is a PLA-based filament that breaks easily. It has a perfect interface with PLA, strong enough to support it and easily removable by bare hands. Compared to PVA, it is lower in cost, less sensitive to moisture, and quicker to remove.
Overall features:
• Allows for printing with materials not compatible with PVA or other dissolvable support materials
• Quick and easy removal
• High-quality surface finish without further post-processing needs
• Longer shelf life and easier storage compared to PVA
• 3D Printing
• Snapmaker Artisan Dual Extrusion 3D Printing Module
• Snapmaker 2.0 Dual Extrusion 3D Printing Module
• Snapmaker J1/J1s
Weight 1 kg