Bambu Lab AMS - 4 litir fyrir X1, P1S og P1P
AMS (Automatic Material Station) er litastöðin frá Bambu Lab er frábær viðbót við P1S eða X1 Carbon prentarana. Athugið að þessi stöð passar ekki við A1 prentarana, þeir notast við AMS Lite stöðina.
Kostir við AMS:
- Þarft ekki að standa við prentarann þegar þú þarft að skipta um prentþráð og bíða eftir að hann hitni og tannhjólin grípi í prentþráðinn sem þú heldur við
- Getur látið rúlluna klárast alveg og skiptir AMS yfir í næstu ef það er frá sama framleiðanda, sama efni og sami litur
- Prentað í allt að fjórum litum í sama prenti, þó viljum við benda á að margar litaskiptingar auka tímann í prentun til muna
- Getur prentað stuðningsefni sem er úr öðru efni og auðvelt að brjóta frá, stuðningsefni skilja eftir sig minna sár en þegar support eru prentuð úr sama efni
- Getur valið hvaða rúllu þú vilt prenta úr frá tölvunni
- Tekur um 30 sek að setja nýja rúllu í stöðina
- Bambu efni er með RFID og skynjar AMS sjálfkrafa hvaða rúlla er komin í stöðina
- Hægt að tengja fjórar AMS samtímis og notast við allt að 16 rúllur í prenti
Ókostir við AMS:
- TPU (mjúkt efni) eru ekki studd í AMS, mætti líkja því við að þræða soðið spagetti í gegnum plaströr :)
- Mjög stökk efni eins og Carbon Fiber íblönduð efni geta brotnað og þá þarf að handvirkt fjarlægja brotið
- Efni geta brotnað og þá þarf að lagfæra það handvirkt
- Viðhald þegar fram líða stundir á hreyfanlegum pörtum í stöðinni t.d. hjólum, PTFE túbum o.þ.h.
Lesa má nánar
Make Multi-Color 3D Printing Real with AMS (Automatic Material System)
Color, the ultimate expression of emotions, is brought to you by Bambu Lab's Automatic Material System (AMS). You can now enjoy printing freely in multiple colors and materials.
If you plan to connect multiple AMS units together, you will need to purchase the AMS Hub.

Multi-Material Printing
Applicable to most materials such as PLA, ABS, ASA, PETG, PC, etc.

Hassle-Free Support Removal
With AMS, Bambu Lab printers can use snap-away support material or dissolvable filament to minimize the pain of removing supports.

No More Filament Leftover
Without AMS, when the filament runs out, manual spool replacement interrupts printing and results in wasted filaments.
With AMS, there is a seamless transition to a new spool which keeps uninterrupted printing and minimizes waste.

Filament Backup
Your print never stops with automatic spool changing. With AMS filament backup function, never worry about running out of filament during your sleep or absence, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted printing process, preventing any filament waste and promoting energy efficiency.

Automatic Filament Identification
Bambu Lab filaments use RFID which is read by the AMS to automatically identify and apply the best settings for your material.
The RFID tag is synchronized automatically to Bambu Studio.
Non Bambu Lab Filaments need to be manually configured in Bambu Studio or in the printer.

Filament Winding Detection
When the filament at the tool head encounters resistance, it may be that the filament is tangled or the spool is stuck, AMS can detect it immediately and suspend printing to avoid empty printing.
For more detailed information please refer to filament entangled.

Say Goodbye to Wet Filaments
Filament that has absorbed moisture can lead to print quality issues and poor layer adhesion, or even nozzle clogging that can lead to a failed print.

Keep the Filament Dry
The AMS has an air-tight seal and with the help of dessicant material, it absorbs moisture to keep the moisture away from Filament.
A Humidity Sensor also detects the humidity inside the AMS and provides information to the user when the humidity is higher and the dessicant needs to be replaced.
For best print quality, dry filament is required.

Support Up to 16 Colors
Each Bambu Lab AMS is composed of 4 filament slots, and up to 4 AMS can be installed in parallel and supports up to 16 colors for stunning prints that truly stand out. To achieve 16-color printing, connect 4 AMS via AMS hub

What's in the box



Bus Cable - 6pin & Bus Cable - 4pin

Spare Filament Cutter (x2)

PTFE Tube Connector

Filament Buffer

Reusable Spool (x3)

High Temperature Reusable Spool
AMS Tech Specs
Product Size | 368*283*224 mm |
Package Size | 445*365*320 mm |
Product Weight | 2.5 kg |
Gross Weight | 5 kg |
Material | ABS |
Supported Filament | PLA, PETG, ABS, ASA, PET, PA, PC, PA, PP, POM, HIPS and Bambu PLA-CF/ PAHT-CF/ PETG-CF |
Unsupported Filament* | TPE, TPU, PVA, Bambu PET-CF/ TPU 95A and other brand's filaments that contain carbon fiber or glass fiber |
Filament Diameter | 1.75 mm |
Supported Spool Size* | width: 50-68 mm, diameter: 197-202 mm |

*Filaments that are too soft, brittle or brasive are not compatible with the AMS, such as Bambu PET-CF/ TPU 95A, and other brand's TPE, TPV, PVA, PET-CF/GF, PA-CF/GF, PAHT-CF/GF,etc. If you prefer to use cardboard spools, we highly recommend using a spool adapter to reduce the risk of slippage and trapped debris in the AMS.For more detailed information please refer to Wiki article. Learn more about how AMS works.
Product Features
- Multi-Colors/materials Capability
- Keep Filament Dry
- Filament Runout & Winding Detection
- AMS Filament Backup
If you plan to connect multiple AMS units together, you will need to purchase the AMS Hub.