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Recreus Filaflex 70A - 500gr.

frá Recreus
Verð 7.890 kr - Verð 7.890 kr
7.890 kr
7.890 kr - 7.890 kr
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Recreus Filaflex 70A - 500gr.

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Filaflex 70A Ultra-Soft er mjög mjúkur, teygjanlegur og háþróaðar prentþráður.

  • A-Shore harka 70A
  • 900% teygja
  • Mikil mýkt
  • Þolir leysiefni, eldsneyti og asetóni
  • Lyktarlaust
  • Engin heitarúm krafist
  • Hentar til nota inni sem úti
  • Má vera holt að innan
  • Framleitt í ESB

    Filaflex 70A ‘Ultra-Soft’ er TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) teygjanlegur þráður með A-Shore hörku 70A sem þýðir að hann getur teygt sig um allt að 900% áður en hann brotnar. Stærsti kostur þess er að hann fer aftur í upprunalegt form eftir teygjur án þess að afmyndast eða brotna.

    Frsmleiðandin ReCreUs mælir ekki með að prenta svona mjúkan þráð með all-metal hotend

    Einnig er mælt eindregið með direct-drive 

    Prentprófílar fyrir Filaflex

    Sveigjanlegu þráðirnir í Filaflex-línunni hafa góða viðloðun við prentflötinn en mælum með Magigoo Flex. Filaflexeru lyktarlaus og þola leysiefni, asetón og eldsneyti. Prentun þess krefst mismunandi leiðbeininga eftir stífleika. Þess vegna þarf þrívíddarprentarinn að vera rétt stilltur sem og sneiðforritið þitt.

    Filaflex 70A, ’Ultra-Soft’, is a highly elastic and advanced flexible filament from the Filaflex range for 3D printers.

    • Shore hardness 70A
    • 900% stretch
    • High elasticity
    • Resistant to solvents and fuel and
    • Odourless
    • No hotbed required
    • Made in the EU

    Filaflex 70A, 'Ultra-Soft', is a highly elastic TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) flexible filament whose properties make it comparable to silicone. It has a 70A shore hardness, reaching up to 900% stretch before breaking. Its greatest advantage is that after stretching, it returns to its original shape without deforming or breaking. Filaflex 70A is not suitable for All Metal hotends, since the filament could get stuck and not flow properly, however, if you have any questions, contact us and we will advise you.

    The flexible filaments of the Filaflex range have great print bed adhesion, so they don't need a heated bed, blue tape, Kapton tape, lacquer or any other spray adhesive. What's more, they are odourless and resistant to solvents and fuel. Its printing requires different guidelines to rigid filaments. That's why the 3D printer needs to be properly configured.


    Filaflex 70A is non-toxic and can be in contact with the skin. Consult for medical or food use. It can be used to create pieces that require high elasticity such as:

    – Insoles: orthopaedic insoles.

    – Prosthesis and organ models: prosthetic arms, hands, organs for simulation of surgical operations,...

    – Flexible objects and parts for industry, automotive: buffers, gaskets, tires, grippers ...

    – Textile parts and accessories: textile garments, fabrics, printing on garments, bags, earrings,...

    – Footwear: soles, shoes, sandals, slippers,...

    Hérna eru leiðbeiningar hvernig best er að prenta TPU í Bambu Lab prenturum


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