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Verslun opin frá 11-14 virka daga

3D skannar

Engin sía

  • Verð 74.900 kr
    Verð 74.900 kr - Verð 74.900 kr
    Verð 74.900 kr
    Verð nú 69.900 kr
    69.900 kr - 69.900 kr
    Verð nú 69.900 kr

    Creality CR-Scan Ferret Pro

    Uppselt tímabundið

    Creality Ferret Pro, gengur með iOS eða Android, farsími fylgir ekki með Creality CR-Scan Ferret Pro is the upgraded version of the CR-Scan Ferret....

    Skoða nánar
  • Verð 67.900 kr - Verð 76.900 kr
    67.900 kr - 76.900 kr
    67.900 kr - 76.900 kr
    Verð nú 67.900 kr

    Creality Wireless Scan Bridge for Otter og Raptor

    Aðeins 1 eftir!

    This Scan Bridge is available in two versions: Version 1 is designed for Otter, while Version 2 is intended for Raptor and Raptor X.  Large Cap...

    Skoða nánar
  • Verð 154.900 kr - Verð 154.900 kr
    154.900 kr
    154.900 kr - 154.900 kr
    Verð nú 154.900 kr

    Creality CR-Scan Otter 3D skanni

    Uppselt tímabundið

    With its precision up to 0.02mm, the CR-Scan Otter excels in detailed 3D scanning across a wide range of object sizes, leveraging a dual lens setup...

    Skoða nánar
  • Verð 174.900 kr - Verð 174.900 kr
    174.900 kr
    174.900 kr - 174.900 kr
    Verð nú 174.900 kr

    Einstar hágæða 3D skanni


    Einstar er hágæða 3D skanni á viðráðanlegu verði. EINSTAR, an affordable handheld 3D scanner, makes high-quality 3D data available to everyo...

    Skoða nánar
  • Verð 254.900 kr - Verð 254.900 kr
    254.900 kr
    254.900 kr - 254.900 kr
    Verð nú 254.900 kr

    Creality CR-Scan Raptor 3D skanni - Sérpöntun


    The CR-Scan Raptor integrates an innovative combination of blue laser and infrared light sources, covering scanning of small, medium, and large obj...

    Skoða nánar
  • Verð 229.000 kr - Verð 284.900 kr
    229.000 kr - 284.900 kr
    229.000 kr - 284.900 kr
    Verð nú 229.000 kr

    Revopoint MIRACO Pro 3D skanni


    Introducing Revopoints first standalone 3D scanner, the MIRACO. Its ready to support all your professional scanning needs. Whether you want to capt...

    Skoða nánar
  • Verð 139.900 kr - Verð 139.900 kr
    139.900 kr
    139.900 kr - 139.900 kr
    Verð nú 139.900 kr

    Revopoint POP 3 Premium pakki 3D Skanni - Sérpöntun


    Revopoint POP 3 Skanni með Premium pakkanum POP 3 is the next-gen 3D scanner from the POP series with new and improved hardware, design, and usabil...

    Skoða nánar


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