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BigTreeTech Panda Touch snertiskjár fyrir Bambu Lab P1 prentara

Verð 13.900 kr - Verð 13.900 kr
13.900 kr
13.900 kr - 13.900 kr
Verð nú 13.900 kr
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Útfærsla: Skjár með USB dokku

Stór 5” snertiskjár fyrir Bambu Lab prentara. Gerir stýringar mjög þægilegar t.d. fyrir AMS

Kemur ekki með dokku en hún er væntanleg til okkar.

Athugið að uppfæra þarf í firmware á Panda Touch í 1.0.3, sjá leiðbeiningar hér 

The Panda Touch is currently compatible with all Bambu Lab printer firmware versions up until:

  • P1P --> v01.05.02.00
  • P1S --> v01.05.02.00
  • X1C --> v01.07.02.00
  • A1 --> v01.01.01.00
  • A1 Mini --> v01.01.03.00

It is possible that Bambu Lab may release a future firmware version which impacts the functions available from the Panda Touch. Bigtreetech will monitor all beta firmware versions and if we find a firmware version that affects Panda Touch functionality we will send out an alert via our social channels. Buyers can then decide whether or not they would like to perform the update at the risk of losing functionality.
Note that the Panda Touch warranty does not cover lost functionality due to a Bambu Lab firmware update being performed.

Click the link to view Panda Touch software instructions and more product information: https://bttwiki.com/PandaTouch.html

Product Description:

The Panda Touch is a 5'' touchscreen developed by BIGTREE Technology Co., LTD., It offers a beautiful UI with convenient features and can be used as an alternative or a replacement screen for the Bambu P1P and Bambu P1S. It also interfaces with the X1 and A1 series and supports group printing and control for up to 10 Bambu Labs printers.

Key Features:

  • Plug-and-play convenience. Enjoy hassle-free setup with a quick installation that does not void your warranty.
  • Customized UX & UI. BTT delivers a tailored user experience that remains familiar but adds the extra features needed for multi machine control.
  • Versatile functionality. All of the functions you would expect from a rich graphical display, with some extras thrown in!
  • Seamless connectivity. Connect effortlessly via WiFi.
  • Magnetic charging. Effortless mobile portability with convenient magnetic charging technology.
  • Multi-printer control. Effortlessly manage multiple printers simultaneously for seamless synchronized control and printing.
  • AMS filament changing system control. Get easy access to the multi-color printing controls with one touch access to control over the filament-changing system.

Note: The Panda Touch firmware has been updated to V1.0.3. Some units may ship with an earlier firmware version. Please check your firmware version and upgrade to the latest for the best user experience. Please click on the link https://bttwiki.com/PandaTouch.html#firmware for the upgrade tutorial.