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Dagana 18.-22. nóv. er eingöngu hægt að fá pantanir sendar með Pakkaþjónustu Eimskips. Lokað er í Skútuvogi 6
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BigTreeTech Knomi

Verð 4.990 kr - Verð 6.490 kr
4.990 kr
4.990 kr - 6.490 kr
Verð nú 4.990 kr
með VSK
Lág birgðarstaða
á lager, tilbúin til afhendingar
Útgáfa: 1.0

Knomi krúttið er hannað fyrir Klipper og hægt að gera mjög skemmtilega hluti með skjáinn, kemur í útgáfu 1.0 og 2.0 sem er með snertiskjá.

Leiðbeiningar fyrir uppsetningu má finna hér

KNOMI is a mini round screen designed specifically for Klipper running 3D printers, offering users a unique and personalized way to monitor their printers operation. The screen displays important information through KNOMI UI, such as heated bed temperature, nozzle temperature, leveling status, printing progress, etc. KNOMI is an open-source product, allows users to customize the user interface and design mounting brackets to fit their specific 3D printer.


  • KNOMI UI-based display for quick and easy monitoring of printer status.
  • User-friendly, wireless communication through WiFi.
  • Open-source enables effortless customization and adaptation of KNOMI to various 3D printers with provided 3D model files, while also allowing personalized user interfaces to suit preferences.
  • Compatibility with Voron StealthBurner using our custom printed part files.
  • Wide input voltage range (DC 5V-24V) for convenient power supply.
  • Reserved Type-C port for DIY burning, increasing versatility.
  • Full-view screen for accurate color representation from any angle.