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Bambu ASA - 1kg.

frá Bambu Lab
Verð 5.990 kr - Verð 5.990 kr
5.990 kr
5.990 kr - 5.990 kr
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SKU B01-B0-1.75-1000-SPL
Color: Blue

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Bambu ASA - 1kg.

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ASA mætti segja væri stóri bróðir ABS og einnig þekkt sem veðurþolið ABS. Sérlega öflugt efni sem er með gott höggþol, styrk, sveigju og ágætis hitaþol.

Gæta þarf að loftræsingu við prentun á ABS og ASA þar sem Styrene losnar við prentun sem eru eiturgufur. Mælum því eindregið gegn því að prenta í hýbílum fólks.

Product Features

  • Extraordinary UV Resistance
  • Exceptional Temperature Resistance
  • High Impact Strength and Durability
  • Outdoor Use for Long-Term Purpose
  • Comes with High Temperature Reusable Spool
  • Diameter: 1.75mm +/- 0.03mm

Cautions for Use

  • Enclosure Printers Required
  • AMS Compatible

Bambu ASA is a highly durable material that offers exceptional UV, weather, mechanical, and thermal resistance. Its unique combination of properties makes it an ideal material for printing outdoor models (plant signs, mailboxes, wind vanes, etc.) and structural parts that require long-term exposure to challenging outdoor conditions.

ASA filament

Extraordinary Weather & UV Resistance

Bambu ASA offers extraordinary UV, oxidation, and aging resistance, providing effective protection against breakage and color degradation when used outdoors for long-term purposes.

asa filament
asa filament

Tough and Durable

Suitable for outdoor applications and regular structural requirements due to its toughness and high impact strength.

asa filament
asa filament

Better Temperature Resistance

Compared to normal PETG or ABS, Bambu ASA can remain in shape even at a temperature of 100°C.

asa filament
asa filament

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What's the difference between ABS and ASA?

Composition acrylonitrile - butadiene - styrene acrylonitrile - styrene - acrylate

ASA is a modified version of ABS that contains an additional acrylate component, which improves its weather adaptability and UV resistance.

ASA retains the impact resistance and processability of ABS while providing better resistance to fading, yellowing, and degradation from sunlight exposure. Both of them may release pungent and unpleasant odors during printing, but the pungent odor of ASA is notably lighter than ABS.

2. What is the difference applications between ABS and ASA?

ASA is ideal for outdoor applications, such as automotive exterior parts, signage, and outdoor equipment, thanks to its enhanced weather resistance and color stability. ABS is a versatile material with excellent mechanical properties that is commonly used for indoor applications.

3. What are the similarities between ABS and ASA?

In terms of physical and mechanical properties, both exhibit good impact resistance and high tensile strength, with almost the same levels of strength, toughness, and stiffness. Both ABS and ASA may release pungent and unpleasant odors during printing and the same warping tendency and enclosed printer requirement when printing large-size and/or high infill density models.

Parameters Comparison

Learn more different filaments comparison on Bambu Filament Guide >>

Price / kg $27.99 $29.99 $39.99
Composition acrylonitrile - butadiene - styrene acrylonitrile - styrene - acrylate Polycarbonate
Hotend Compatibility All Size/Material
Build Plate Compatibility Engineering Plate, High Temperature Plate, Textuerd PEI Plate
AMS Compatibility Yes Yes Yes
Glue Bambu Liqud Glue/Glue Stick Bambu Liqud Glue/Glue Stick Glue Stick
Dry Out Before Use Recommended Recommended Required
Odor During Printing Pungent odor Relatively lighter pungent odor Light phenol-flavored odor
Toughness (Impact Strength - XY) 39.3 kJ/m² 41.0 kJ/m² 34.8 kJ/m²
Strength (Bending Strength - XY) 62 MPa 65 MPa 108 MPa
Stiffness (Bending Modulus - XY) 1880 MPa 1920 MPa 2310 MPa
Layer Adhesion (Impact Strength - Z) 7.4 kJ/m² 4.9 kJ/m² 9.0 kJ/m²
Heat Resistant(HDT, 0.45 MPa) 87 ℃ 100 ℃ 117 ℃
Saturated Water Absorption Rate / % (25 °C,55% RH) 0.65% 0.45% 0.25%

Accessory Compatibility

Recommended Not Recommended
Build Plate Engineering Plate, High Temperature Plate or Textured PEI Plate Cool Plate
Hotend All Size / Material /
Glue Bambu Liquid Glue
Glue Stick


RFID for Intelligent Printing

All printing parameters are embedded in RFID, which can be read through our AMS (Automatic Material System).

Load and print! No more tedious setting steps.


Recommended Printing Settings
Drying Settings (Blast Drying Oven) 80 °C,8 h
Printing and Keeping Container's Humidity < 20% RH (Sealed, with Desiccant)
Nozzle Temperature 240 - 270 °C
Bed Temperature (with Glue) 80 - 100 °C
Printing Speed < 250 mm/s
Physical Properties
Density 1.05 g/cm³
Vicat Softening Temperature 106 °C
Heat Deflection Temperature 100 °C
Melting Temperature 210 °C
Melt Index 7.0 ± 0.8 g/10 min
Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength 37 ± 3 MPa
Breaking Elongation Rate 9.2 ± 1.4 %
Bending Modulus 1920 ± 130 MPa
Bending Strength 65 ± 5 MPa
Impact Strength 41.0 ± 2.3 kJ/m²


Printing Tips

• Pungent and unpleasant odors may be released during printing. Make sure your printer is placed in a well-ventilated area.

• Drying conditions: 80℃ for 8 hrs. Store in a dry environment after use. Dry before use if the material absorbs moisture. For more details please refer to: Filament drying instructions on WIKI.

• ASA is prone to warping when printing large size and/or high infill density model. To avoid warping: 1) Not recommemded to print too large size and/or high infill density models. 2) Use enclosure printers and ensure the build plate is properly glued before printing. 3) Set lower printing speed and higher heatbed temperature. For more details please refer to: Common print quality problems and solutions on WIKI.

What's in the Box?

Filament with Spool*1 & Desiccant*1

Filament Label*1




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