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Hér má finna úrval sérefna, t.d. PC (Polycarbonate), PC-ABS, Nælon PA6 og PA12 og stuðningsefni
PCTG - 800 gr. Mjög spennandi efni sem hefur frábæra eiginleika t.d. eldtefjandi, hitaþolið, góðir mekanískir eiginleikar og auðveldara en ABS/...
Skoða nánarLW er LightWeight efni eða fis PLA frá Polymaker, hentugt þegar prentaðir eru aukahlutir fyrir flygildi svo sem dróna eða RC flugvélar PolyLite™...
Skoða nánarKoltrefjastyrktur Nylon prentþráður Skerk prentverk fyrir mjög krefjandi verkefni Engar laglínur og falleg áferð Add North's Adura™ X er ko...
Skoða nánarPolyMax™ PC (Polycarbonate) is an engineered PC filament combining excellent strength, toughness, heat resistance and printing quality. It is the i...
Skoða nánar910 is the first 3D Printable High Impact, High Durability co-polymer Alloy with a tensile strength of 8,100PSI, thus matching 10-15%% glass fille...
Skoða nánarStuðningsefni úr PLA sem auðveldara er að brjóta frá eftir prentun. Til í tveimur stærðum 500gr. og 1 kg. As is implied by its name, Breakaway Supp...
Skoða nánarSnapmaker's PVA is a water-soluble carrier material with an extra-smooth surface. Because PVA dissolves in ordinary tap water, it can be used as an...
Skoða nánarBambu TPU 95A HF is an optimized TPU filament designed for high-speed 3D printing. Compared to regular TPU 95A, TPU 95A HF offers an impressive 3x...
Skoða nánarPolycarbonate er mjög sterkt, endingagott og hitaþolið efni. Product Features Exceptional Thermal Resistance Excellent Mechanical Pro...
Skoða nánarPC Blend HT LCF frá add:north 1 kg Withstands temperatures up to 185C Long Carbon Fibers for extreme rigidity High chemical resistance Ele...
Skoða nánarHigh performance material for high performance hardware. Heated bed and all-metal hotend recommended! Processing is more challenging. For best res...
Skoða nánarTaulman 645 Nylon 1.75mm. Taulman 645 Nylon is explicitly developed for 3D printing high-end applications. It matches perfect your needs when exce...
Skoða nánarTaulman T-GLASE PETTTaulman t-glase er unnið úr sterkustu PETT fjölliða samsetningu sem til er á markaðnum. Þar sem t-glase er hluti af Taulman3D f...
Skoða nánar3D prentaðu með vatnsuppleysanlegu stuðningsefni PVA+ stuðningsþráður lítur örlítið gagnsær út eftir prentum og hefur svolítið gulan blæ. Það er me...
Skoða nánarRaise3D Industrial PET GF is a glass fiber-reinforced composite filament based on PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). Well-dispersed glass fibers enh...
Skoða nánarRaise3D Industrial PET CF er nýtt og áreiðanlegt 3D prentefni með sérstökum eiginleikum. Það er framleitt til með blöndu af PET og koltrefjum, sem ...
Skoða nánarPolymaker™ PC-PBT is a polymer blend which offers good heat resistance, however, its key feature is toughness at low temperatures (-30˚C) where ot...
Skoða nánarPolyMide™ CoPA is based on a copolymer of Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6. The filament combines excellent strength, toughness, and heat resistance of u...
Skoða nánarNylon 230 450gr. 1.75mm is the first nylon filament to be processed at 230°C or less. This is a lower temperature than any other nylon filament fo...
Skoða nánarNylon 680, an innovative new nylon-based material for Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printing, is designed for use in a wide range of industri...
Skoða nánarTaulman 645 Nylon 1.75mm. Taulman 645 Nylon is explicitly developed for 3D printing high-end applications. It matches perfect your needs when exce...
Skoða nánarUltrafuse HiPS is a high-quality engineering thermoplastic, which is well known in the 3D-printing industry as a support material for ABS. But this...
Skoða nánarUltrafuse PP is a high-performance thermoplastic with low density, high elasticity and high resistance to fatigue. The mechanical properties of mak...
Skoða nánarPolymaker™ PC-ABS is a PC/ABS polymer blend which offers excellent toughness and heat resistance while displaying good surface finish and good comp...
Skoða nánar