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Super Lube PTFE Olía 7 ml.

frá Super Lube
Verð 1.790 kr - Verð 1.790 kr
1.790 kr
1.790 kr - 1.790 kr
Verð nú 1.790 kr
með VSK
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SKU oil_ptfe_7ml

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Super Lube PTFE Olía 7 ml.

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Olía sem hentar til að smyrja sléttar stangir t.d. á Bambu Lab prenturum.

Ath. ekki á að smyrja Carbon stangirnar á Bambu Lab X1 og P1 prenturunum.

Super Lube® Multi-Use Synthetic Oil is a premium, synthetic oil with suspended Syncolon® (PTFE) particles that bond to surfaces of moving parts providing protection against friction, wear, rust and corrosion. It is ideally suited for industrial machinery and equipment. Machinery lasts longer, downtime is reduced, and productivity is increased. It is an ISO Grade 100 oil and has a temperature range of -45°F to 450°F (-43°C to 232°C).

Super Lube® Multi-Use Synthetic Oil is dielectric, food grade, clean and environmentally friendly. It is safe on metal, wood, leather, fabric, painted surfaces, most plastics and rubbers.

Perfect to use on all rods on your 3D Printer. For threaded rods, use the grease.

Clean the rods before adding new oil with the cleaner.


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Við virðum persónuvernd þína og deilum ekki netfanginu þínu með neinum.


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