Prusa prentflötur
Passar á eftirfarandi Prusa prentara:
- MK3S+
- MK3S
- MK3
- MK4
- MK3.9
- MK3.5
- MK2.5S
- MK2.5
Spring Steel Sheet With Smooth Double-sided PEI for the Original Prusa i3 MK3/S and MK2.5/S heatbeds.
Double-sided textured PEI powder-coated spring steel sheet for Original Prusa i3 MK3/S/+ and MK2.5/S heatbeds.
Double-sided satin powder-coated spring steel sheet for Original Prusa i3 MK3/S/+ and MK2.5/S heatbeds.
Hér má lesa meira um mismunandi prentplötur á Prusa á heimasíðu þeirra