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Protopasta High Temperature Polycarbonate-ABS Alloy - 500gr.

frá Protopasta
Verð 6.940 kr - Verð 6.940 kr
6.940 kr
6.940 kr - 6.940 kr
Verð nú 6.940 kr
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Protopasta High Temperature Polycarbonate-ABS Alloy - 500gr.

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 High performance material for high performance hardware.

Heated bed and all-metal hotend recommended!

Processing is more challenging. For best results, a heated bed is required to control warpage and improve layer adhesion. Cross-sectional area should be minimized.

PC-ABS is moisture sensitive. Even when stored in a bag with desiccant, drying in an oven for ~ 1hr at 85C-95C may be required for bubble free high strength prints.

In our experience, good results are achieved when printing small parts at 270-290C on a heated bed at 110C up to 140C. For larger prints with good layer adhesion and minimal distortion, an enclosure is ideal.


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