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Polymaker PolyLite™ CosPLA 1kg.

frá Polymaker
Verð 4.990 kr - Verð 4.990 kr
4.990 kr
4.990 kr - 4.990 kr
Verð nú 4.990 kr
með VSK
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SKU Version B - PA07046
Útgáfa: Version B

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Polymaker PolyLite™ CosPLA 1kg.

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CosPLA consists of two specially developed formulas that provide the perfect solution for 3D printing cosplay. Version A has excellent sanding characteristics, allowing quick post-processing of helmets and detailed parts. Version B is a tougher PLA that is more suited to swords, hammers and armour which might encounter some impacts or cosplay that requires more strength.


  • Developed for Cosplay Applications
  • Excellent Durability
  • Excellent Sanding Characteristics

CosPLA consists of two specially developed formulas that provide the perfect solution for 3D printing cosplay. Version A has excellent sanding characteristics, allowing quick post-processing of helmets and detailed parts. Version B is a tougher PLA that is more suited to swords, hammers and armour which might encounter some impacts or cosplay that requires more strength.


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