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eSun eABS-CF - 1kg.

frá eSun
Verð 5.490 kr - Verð 5.490 kr
5.490 kr
5.490 kr - 5.490 kr
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eSun eABS-CF - 1kg.

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Carbon Fiber styrkt ABS efni frá eSun

Fyrir Bambu Lab: Hér má finna efnissniðmát (Material Profiles og Process) fyrir eSun efni

Adding carbon fiber reinforced materials to ABS and modifying, it strengthens the rigidity and toughness of ABS. eABS-CF has excellent impact resistance and chemical corrosion resistance, and it has good performance in some scenarios with high strength demand such as tooling fixtures.


  • High strength
  • Wear resistance
  • Impact resistance
  • Chemical resistance


  • Aerospace
  • The Automotive Industry
  • Industrial Application


  • The shrinkage rate of eABS-CF is large, so we advise to print this material in the printer of the closed chamber.
  • When printing ABS-CF, there are three suggestions to make the printing effect better: you can open a little fan to speed up cooling, or reduce the overhang angle structure of the model; Or try slow printing.

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