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Bambu TPU 95A - 1kg.

frá Bambu Lab
Verð 8.390 kr - Verð 8.390 kr
8.390 kr
8.390 kr - 8.390 kr
Verð nú 8.390 kr
með VSK
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Litur: Black

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Bambu TPU 95A - 1kg.

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Bambu TPU 95A HF is an optimized TPU filament designed for high-speed 3D printing. Compared to regular TPU 95A, TPU 95A HF offers an impressive 3x faster printing speed, effectively addressing the common problem of lengthy prints associated with other TPU filaments. TPU 95A HF maintains exceptional interlayer adhesion, impact resistance, flexibility, and cold-temperature resilience, just like traditional TPU filaments. Experience faster TPU printing without any compromises!

pa6-cf filament

High Speed Printing

Elevate your TPU printing efficiency to the next level with Bambu TPU 95A HF, featuring a print speed that's 3 times faster than standard TPU 95A

tpu hf
Bambu TPU 95A Bambu TPU 95A HF
Nozzle Temperature / °C 230 230
Max Volumetric Speed / (mm³/s) 3.6 12
Printing Speed / (mm/s) 44 147
Model Specimens Diameter: 50 mm Height: 100 mm Infill:40%

Soft and Flexible

Bambu TPU HF is an exceptionally soft and flexible filament with extraordinary impact resistance, enabling you to print parts that need withstand impact, collision, and falling.

tpu hf filament

Printing Tips

• Drying conditions: 70℃ for 8 hrs. TPU 95A HF is highly sensitive to humidity. To achieve optimal printing performance, it is recommeded further drying before use and after storage. For more details please refer to: Filament drying instructions on WIKI.

• To obtain higher printing quality, please check TPU Printing Guide before printing.



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