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frá Bambu Lab
Verð 9.990 kr - Verð 17.990 kr
9.990 kr
9.990 kr - 17.990 kr
Verð nú 9.990 kr
með VSK
á lager, tilbúin til afhendingar
Uppselt tímabundið
SKU N04-K0-1.75-1000-SPL
Color: Black
Weight: 500 gr.

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Hágæða nælon efni frá Bambu, kemur á spólu og er val um 500gr. eða 1kg. af efni á spólunni.

Carbon Fiber Reinforced High Temperature Nylon

Product Features

  • Low Moisture Absorption
  • Exceptional Mechanical Properties & Layer Adhesion
  • High Tensile Strength
  • Comes with High Temperature Reusable Spool
  • Diameter: 1.75mm +/- 0.03mm

Cautions for Use
  • 0.6 mm Nozzle Recommended
  • 0.2 mm Nozzle Not Compatible
  • Stainless Steel Nozzle Not Recommended
  • Dry before Use
  • AMS Compatible
  • AMS lite NOT Compatible
  • Enclosure Printer Required

Note: PAHT-CF is an upgraded version of PA-CF (PA-CF was discontinued).

Bambu PAHT-CF is a composite of PA12 and carbon fiber. Inheriting the advantages of low water absorption from PA12 and high-performance carbon fiber, Bambu PAHT-CF offers excellent mechanical and thermal properties that can be maintained well even when the prints get wet. Higher Z adhesion layers and flexibility make it ideal for creating engineering parts such as functional prototypes, machining fixtures, injection molds, jigs, and low-volume production parts.

Low water absorption

With a 50% lower water absorption rate compared to normal PA-CF,

Bambu PAHT-CF maintains excellent mechanical properties and dimensional stability even when exposed to high humidity.

Deflection from Dry to Wet


Mechanical Properties Comparison

Saturated Water Absorption Rate/% ( 25 °C, 55% RH ) 1.70 0.88
Bending Strength - XY/MPa (Dry) 128 125
Bending Strength - XY/MPa (Wet) 76 115
Bending Strength - Z/MPa (Dry) 48 61
Bending Strength - Z/MPa (Wet) 34 49
Bending Modulus - XY/MPa (Dry) 4420 4230
Bending Modulus - XY/MPa (Wet) 2210 3640
Bending Modulus - Z/MPa (Dry) 1470 1820
Bending Modulus - Z/MPa (Wet) 770 1480
Decline rate of mechanical properties after absorbing water/% 40%-45% 12%-18%

*Both PA-CF and PAHT-CF need to be dried at 80 °C for 12 hours before printing.

Exceptional Z-bonding

Bambu PAHT-CF shows much higher adhesion in Z layers compared to normal PA-CF,

bringing it the ability to withstand high levels of impact or stress without breaking or deforming.


Z-layer Performance

Normal PA-CF PAHT-CF Improved %
Bending Strength - Z/MPa 48 61 27%
Bending Modulus - Z/MPa 1470 1820 24%
Impact Strength - Z/(kJ/m²) 5.7 13.3 133%

*Both PA-CF and PAHT-CF need to be dried at 80 °C for 12 hours before printing.

High tensile strength

Bambu PAHT-CF is designed to meet the demands of various industrial

and engineering applications where high strength and durability are required.

Designed for high-temperature resistance

The heat deflection temperature of Bambu PAHT-CF is up to 194℃ (0.45MPa)*, making it useful in applications where the printed parts may be exposed to high temperatures without deforming or losing their strength.

*The long-term temperature resistance is related to the structure and usage scenario of the model itself.

Reusable spool

Bambu PAHT-CF comes with a high-temperature resistant spool, which is not prone to deformation in the drying process. Continuing our concept of reducing plastic waste, the spool can also be reused with other Bambu refills.



Accessory Compatibility

Recommended Not Recommended
Build Plate Smooth PEI Plate, Textured PEI Plate Cool Plate SuperTack
Hotend Hotend with Hardened Steel 0.4mm / 0.6mm (recommended) / 0.8 mm* Hotend with Stainless Steel Nozzle All Size
Glue Glue Stick Liquid Glue

*As the nozzle size increases, the probability of clogging decreases, but the print quality also decreases. Therefore, it is recommended to use a 0.6 mm Hardened Steel nozzle to avoid clogging while maintaining optimal print quality.


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