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Takmörkuð þjónusta:
Eingöngu netverslun 3-10. mars.
Lokað Skútuvogi 6
Takmörkuð þjónusta:
Eingöngu netverslun 3-10 mars.
Lokað Skútuvogi 6

Bambu Lab AMS hub

frá Bambu Lab
Verð 9.890 kr - Verð 9.890 kr
9.890 kr
9.890 kr - 9.890 kr
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Bambu Lab AMS hub

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Bambu Lab AMS hub

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Við höfum hætt við beiðni þína.

The AMS Hub is used to expand the number of AMS connected to Bambu X1/P1 series printers from 1 AMS unit(4 channels) to a maximum of 4 AMS units(16 channels) to improve the refueling speed across your multiple AMS units and support the redundancy of a buffered signal.



*The picture is for reference only, try to place the AMS on the left side of the AMS Hub when actually printing, otherwise the filament in the PTFE tube is easy to get stuck.


Expand Your AMS Options

The built-in buffer of the printer can only be connected to 1 AMS. When replaced with AMS Hub, the printer will be able to connect up to 4 AMS.

Bambu Lab AMS hub

We often restock popular items or they may be returned by the other customers. If you would like to be notified when this happens just enter your details below.

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Við virðum persónuvernd þína og deilum ekki netfanginu þínu með neinum.


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