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Creality K1C háhraða - 220x220x250

frá Creality
Verð 93.900 kr - Verð 93.900 kr
93.900 kr
93.900 kr - 93.900 kr
Verð nú 93.900 kr
með VSK
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Building on the success of the acclaimed Creality K1, the K1C is an enclosed Core XY FDM printer capable of speeds up to 600 mm/s. Designed to compete with the industrys top 3D printers, the K1C sets a new standard with its all-metal hotend, upgraded motor system, and innovative build plate. The K1Cs capabilities extend beyond PLA it is specifically optimized for the use of carbon fiber filament the C in K1C stands for carbon. In addition, the K1Cs hotend can reach and maintain temperatures of up to 300 degrees Celsius, and its direct drive system is engineered to process carbon fiber filament with exceptional proficiency.

New Metal Extruder Kit

The extruder is well enhanced to grip on filament tightly without slackening off. Meanwhile, the steel-tipped copper nozzle is integrated with a titanium alloy heatbreak to block heatcreep and enable quick swap.

Make Use of CF Filaments

With a 300℃ hotend and a hardened steel nozzle tip, K1C can employ carbon fiber-filled filaments to print 3D models with excellent mechanical strength and great resistance to wear and deformation.

Less Vibrations at High Speed

K1C can print as fast as 600mm/s but still avoid vibrations. The metal frame is utterly sturdy as it integrated die-cast parts with fewer seams and joints. The printhead fans are dynamically balanced for shaking-free rotating when cooling the hotend and the 3D print. In addition, the G-sensor in the printhead cancels resonance with input shaping. So, your prints won't be subject to ringing or ghosting.

Silent Mode & Air Purifier

Whenever you want quiet, just switch to the silent mode where the noise is less than 45dB, only as loud as turning pages in a book. Meanwhile, the built-in active carbon filter purifies compounds and particles arising from molten filaments. So, users can be reassured to live and work day and night in the same place with their K1C.

AI-assisted User Experience

K1C is pre-assembled for plug and play. With just one tap, the auto-calibration gets leveling and everything else ready for you. No more frustrating paper tests. The included AI camera can watch over the printing for you and will actively alert you if an error occurs. It is also great for monitoring and time-lapse filming. Moreover, when an individual print fails in batch printing, you can just exclude it from the batch.

Creality Print & Creality Cloud

Creality Print slicer features smart cooling, optimal retraction, slim tree supports, and data-secure print farm management. Meanwhile, Creality Cloud offers a vast number of free 3D models and the freedom of cloud printing.

Pleasant Air While Printing

The built-in active carbon filter is effective in purifying compounds and particles arising from molten filaments. You can be reassured to stay day and night with it in the same space.

Háhraða prentarar þurfa að vera á mjög stöðugum undirstöðum, ekki borði eða hillu sem vaggar til og frá 

Mælum með háhraða PLA til að ná sem bestum árangri á miklum hraða

Hérna má finna þjónustu myndbönd fyrir K1 og K1 Max

Hérna má finna úrval af stútum sem passa í K1 prentarana

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Solid prenntari

Prenntarinn er geggjaður, en creality forritið sjálft til að að fylgjast með honum frá tölvunni er svona.. la la. Kannski ekki mikið að marka þar sem ég var að nota mainsail og Orca áður.. þarf kannski bara að fikta meira allavega mjög sáttur við þessi kaup. Og að hann barst samdægurs heim til mín!

Hjörtur B.