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Bambu Lab Anti-Vibration Feet fyrir P1 og X1

frá Bambu Lab
Verð 2.490 kr - Verð 2.490 kr
2.490 kr
2.490 kr - 2.490 kr
Verð nú 2.490 kr
með VSK
á lager, tilbúin til afhendingar

Demparafætur fyrir P1S,P1P,X1C,X1E prentara

8 stk. í pakka og eru hugsaðir til þess að hristingur frá þeim hafi ekki áhrif á næsta prentara eða annað sem er á borðinu.


These rubber feet are designed to absorb vibrational energy, helping to minimize machine wear caused by vibrations.


When you place a single printer on the desktop, the anti-vibration feet can effectively reduce the desktop shaking caused by printing.

When you place multiple printers on the same desktop, the anti-vibration feet can effectively reduce the impact of machine vibration from nearby machines.


The printer can oscillate, but it has no effect on printing

May cause the metallic plate inside the purge chute to shake and produce some noise

Reduce Vibration

"Thanks to @tombeardy4833 for the inspiration."


Anti-Vibration Feet




X1 Series and P1 Series

In the box

Anti-Vibration Feet * 8

Product Specification

Materials Silica gel Package Weight 70 g
Package Size 145*100*45 mm Color Black