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Takmörkuð þjónusta:
Eingöngu netverslun 3-10. mars.
Lokað Skútuvogi 6
Takmörkuð þjónusta:
Eingöngu netverslun 3-10 mars.
Lokað Skútuvogi 6

Bambu Lab Activated Carbon Air Filter

frá Bambu Lab
Verð 1.490 kr - Verð 1.490 kr
1.490 kr
1.490 kr - 1.490 kr
Verð nú 1.490 kr
með VSK
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Bambu Lab Activated Carbon Air Filter

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Bambu Lab Activated Carbon Air Filter

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Koltrefjasía fyrir Bambu Lab X1 prentara 

Melt extrusion printers will generate VOCs while printing because the heating temperature of ABS, PC, PA and other materials is relatively high, resulting in more VOCs. Materials such as PLA with lower melting points produce much fewer VOCs during printing. These VOCs are absorbed by our activated carbon air filter.


X1 Series Exclusive


The X1-Carbon comes with a carbon filter which is used for filtering the air from the enclosure before it is expelled outside. Here's how you can replace it:

1. Remove the plastic cover

2. Gently pull on the carbon filter to remove it

3. Install the new carbon filter

4. Attach the plastic cover

Bambu Lab Activated Carbon Air Filter

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